Creating SharePoint Framework Client Web Part and solving the challenges with _RequestDigest Token value using React
Recently I decided to add React and Angular to my portfolio for developing solutions for SharePoint. I'm starting with React and it has been an interesting journey so far. I started with React because Angular 2.x/4.x which is a major leap from Angular 1.x seems to have a few challenges integrating with SharePoint framework as Andrew Connell explains here . Though these challenges are being addressed with the roll out of Angluar 5 as seen in another of Andrew Connell post: Solve the SharePoint Framework + Angular Challenge with Angular 5.0 Elements . But as for me, I have decided to wait until Angular 5 is stable for SharePoint framework so that my learning can be seamless. In this post I will be sharing what I have learnt in my few days of using React in SharePoint framework to build client web part. If you are considering learning React to work with SharePoint framework, these are some of the key concepts you will first need to understand to get started: State...