
Showing posts from July, 2018

Custom Theme Applicator for SharePoint Online Modern Experience

In most cases you have to customize the modern experience based on your organization's branding or identity. Microsoft has given us a variety of options to do that; we have PowerShell cmdlets, CSOM and REST API. It seems most people prefer to just use PowerShell for this purpose as you get to see most blogs discussing how to create a custom theme using PowerShell. But to me, it's very tedious to work with PowerShell when you are testing different shades of color to use in your custom theme.  I prefer an interface that allows me to click buttons to create or update, retrieve an existing theme and even remove it without working with a set of commands. It's a faster for me :). So to avoid the hassle of working with commands each time I want to test my theme, I decided to develop a SharePoint add-in  using SharePoint theming REST API . You can download the app  here  in the  app.publish  folder. Once downloaded, upload the app to your App catalog and it's re...