
Showing posts from March, 2018

Calling Microsoft Graph API from an Angular 5 Single Page Application (SPA)

In this post I will be discussing how to use OAuth 2 Implicit Grant to authenticate users with Azure AD and call Microsoft Graph ApI from an Angular 5 Single Page Application. The idea of consuming Microsoft Graph API in an Angular app was prompted by a discussion I had with a contact on LinkedIn recently, asking if I had worked with MS Graph API before, and since I had started learning Angular to broaden my skill set, I decided to create a simple SPA that will authenticate users via Azure AD and display users's profile information using MS Graph API. So if you are looking for how to do that, you are in the right place. I will be sharing my experience with you in this post and I hope you will find this it useful. I will break this post down into 3 categories: Creating an Angular 5 Application Authenticating and Authorizing your App Calling Microsoft Graph API Creating An Angular 5 Application Since this post is not about angular per se, I will not be going into nitt...